Assalamualaikum and hello. The modern family law now concentrates on upholding the right, interest, and welfare of the child in the family. Priorities are given to the right, interest, and welfare of the child without neglecting those of the parents and others. The focus on the right, interest, and welfare of the child actually began in the early 1900’s due to some situations such as the belief of the society in the right, interest, and welfare of the child, the increase of divorce rates, of children birth outside marriage, and also of child abuse. Eventually, the family law legislations in many countries were amended in order to embrace the new orientation of upholding the right, interest, and welfare of the child without neglecting those of the parents and others. For instance, in England the law uses the terms parental responsibility interpreted through the welfare of the child principle in which the child has the right to have love and care from the parents. The welfare of the child principle is also currently adopted by the law in Malaysia. In Australia, the law also uses the terms parental responsibility as in England but interpreted through the best interests of the child consideration. In short, the law and the society unanimously agree for the first time that the child deserves his right, interest, and welfare. Wassalam and thank you.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Question For Young Men And Women: Is Marriage A Burden?
Divorce is increasing from time to time in Malaysia. Generally the increase of divorce rates occur among young husbands and wives. For instance, do not be surprise to see a young husband and wife file a divorce petition before the court of law after a few months of marriage. The situation goes beyond the boundary of religion. Those who love and support marriage and the family institution in Malaysia question as to reasons behind the situation. Why marriage fails for some young individuals in Malaysia? Are they not well educated enough on marriage and the family institution in Malaysia? Or they are more concerned with other matters ignoring the importance of protecting their marriage and family? Some in Malaysia may suggest that marriage and divorce are private matters. Thus, young husbands and wives have rights to marriage and divorce. If the husbands and wives think that divorce is the best solution, they should be allowed to do so. Nevertheless, some in Malaysia may also argue that marriage and divorce also affect others as well in particular the children. Thus, negative divorce may have negative effects on the children. That is why some young men and women seem to have doubts on marriage and elect to live as singles. Thus, they are afraid that negativity surrounding marriage may occur and affect them....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Undang-Undang Islam: Hak, Kepentingan Dan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Bahagian 3
Assalamualaikum dan hello.
Suatu perkara yang boleh dituntut kanak-kanak untuk melindungi hak, kepentingan, dan kebajikannya ialah pendidikan. Kepentingan pendidikan sudah sedia difahami dengan pembuktian yang banyak dalam al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah. Jenis pendidikan yang perlu bagi kanak-kanak meliputi aspek rohani dan fizikal dalam batasan al-shariah iaitu usuluddin, fiqh, dan tasawwuf. Akan tetapi pengajaran mestilah mengikut pemahaman kanak-kanak itu sendiri. Seperkara lagi, tanggungjawab memberi pendidikan kepada kanak adalah tanggungjawab semua pihak. Di rumah, peranan ibu bapa amat penting. Sekirannya ibu bapa kurang ilmu, mesti dijemput ilmuwan untuk memberikan pendidikan di rumah ataupun dihantar kanak-kanak ke sekolah. Di sekolah, menjadi tanggungjawab guru untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada kanak-kanak. Tanggungjawab masyarakat sekeliling juga penting. Mereka juga ada tanggungjawab mendidik kanak-kanak secara bersama dengan ibu bapa. Contohnya, sekira kanak-kanak ke masjid jangan diherdik kanak-kanak sekirannya ada kesilapan yang dilakukan. Sepatutnya, dinasihat dengan cara yang baik kerana kanak-kanak tetap kanak-kanak. Bayangkan perasaan kita apabila dimarah akibat kesilapan yang tidak disengajakan. Di pihak kerajaan, prasarana-prasana yang Islamik harus disediakan juga. Akhirnya, kegagalan untuk mendidik kanak-kanak tersebut tanpa sebarang alasan yang kukuh akan menyebabkan kita disoal Allah s.w.t nanti.
Wassalam, terima kasih dan akan bersambung...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hak, Kepentingan dan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Bahagian 2
Assalamualaikum dan hello.
Suatu amalan yang diiktiraf perundangan Islam bagi mengukuhkan status kanak-kanak ialah amalan susuan kanak-kanak selepas lahir selama dua tahun ataupun dikenali sebagai al-rada'ah. Secara umumnya mazhab-mazhab sunni bersetuju bahawa kanak-kanak wajib dibenarkan untuk membuat tuntutan ke atas amalan tersebut. Akan tetapi mazhab-mazhab tersebut berbeza pendapat terhadap kewajipan pelaksanaannya oleh golongan wanita terutamanya si ibu. Daripada sudut keagamaan, mazhab-mazhab tersebut berpendapat bahawa si ibu mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan amalan ini. Sekirannya tidak, si ibu akan bertanggungjawab di hadapan Allah s.w.t di Akhirat nanti. Walaupun begitu, mazhab-mazhab tersebut berbeza daripada segi perundangan iaitu wajib atau tidak si ibu melaksanakan amalan tersebut. Majoriti mazhab sunni berpendapat bahawa si ibu tidak wajib melaksanakan amalan ini. Ini bermakna menjadi tugas si bapa untuk mencari wanita-wanita yang sesuai untuk melaksanakan amalan ini. Bahkan si ibu hanya wajib sekiranya: Tidak dijumpai wanita-wanita yang sesuai, kanak-kanak hanya mahukan susuan si ibu, dan si bapa sangat miskin atau kanak-kanak tiada harta. Minoriti mazhab sunni iaitu al-Malikiyyah berpendapat bahawa si ibu wajib melaksanakan amalan ini kecuali: Si ibu dikalangan golongan bangsawan atau kaya (za hasab wa qadar), si ibu sakit, dan si ibu kekurangan susu. Secara ringkasnya amalan ini menunjukkan pentingnya kanak-kanak diberikan susuan asas. Bahkan keterlibatan pihak wanita lain juga menunjukkan secara tersiratnya kesemua kita ada tanggungjawab bersama untuk melindungi kanak-kanak.
Wassalam dan terima kasih.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hak, Kepentingan dan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Bahagian 1
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Secara umumnya, perundangan Islam melalui al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah mengiktiraf status kanak-kanak sebagai seorang individu yang mempunyai hak, kepentingan, dan kebajikan yang perlu dijaga dan ditegakkan dalam masyarakat. Al-Qur'an dengan jelas menerangkan kanak-kanak sebagai sumber kebahagiaan dan kebanggaan. Bukan itu sahaja, al-Qur'an menjelaskan bahawa kanak-kanak diberikan tanggungjawab yang sama seperti golongan dewasa seperti mempunyai hubungan yang langsung dengan Allah s.w.t dan bertanggungjawab dengan perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilakukan secara sukarela. Al-Sunnah pula menggambarkan tingkah laku Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang amat menghormati dan menyayangi kanak-kanak. Baginda s.a.w suka mencium dan memeluk kanak-kanak seperti yang sentiasa dilakukan kepada anak baginda Ibrahim dan cucunya Hasan dan Husain. Bahkan, baginda s.a.w turut menitiskan air mata kesedihan apabila mendengar kematian Ibrahim. Baginda s.a.w juga sentiasa bermain-main dengan kanak-kanak dan menegur mereka yang tidak mencium, memeluk, dan bermain dengan anak-anak mereka. Sebenarnya pengiktirafan perundangan Islam ke atas status kanak-kanak bermula sejak kelahiran seorang kanak-kanak. Mengikut pandangan majoriti mazhab sunni iaitu al-malikiyyah, al-shafieyyah, dan al-hanabilah, disunatkan untuk melakukan amalan 'aqiqah melibatkan sembelihan haiwan seperti kambing atau kibas, mencukur kepala bayi, dan memberikan nama-nama yang baik selepas tujuh hari. Manakala pandangan minoriti mazhab sunni iaitu al-hanafiyyah berpendapat bahawa amalan 'aqiqah ialah suatu perkara bid'ah. Antara alasan mereka mereka ialah amalan 'aqiqah berdasarkan hadis-hadis nabawi yang berstatus ahad walaupun sahih. Mereka secara umum tidak menggunakan hadis-hadis ahad yang sahih dalam menwujudkan sesuatu hukum. Berdasarkan itu, mereka lebih mengiktiraf amalan al-adhiah ataupun amalan qurban hari raya aidil adha yang jelas dalilnya dalam al-Qur'an. Namum begitu, mereka tidak mengatakan sama ada amalan 'aqiqah itu wajib, sunnah, harus, makruh, atau haram. Mereka hanya berpendapat terpulang kepada seseorang individu itu sama ada untuk melakukannya atau tidak. Namun begitu, secara umumnya amalan 'aqiqah ini menunjukkan suatu simbolik peringatan kepada ibu bapa, ahli keluarga, dan setiap Muslim yang kelahiran seorang kanak-kanak menyebabkan mereka semua wajib untuk memulakn tugas memastikan kanak-kanak ini dapat membesar sebagai seorang Muslim yang baik pada masa hadapan.
Wassalam dan akan bersambung...
Islamic Law: The Historical Development of the Islamic Law-The Reign of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Part 1
Assalamualaikum and hello to all.
The origin of the Islamic law occurred during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Briefly, the development of the law during the reign was divided into two periods, the Mecca and Medina periods. In relation to the Mecca period, the development was slow as it focused more on personal implementation such as prayers and charity. Thus, an example of the law during the period was the prohibition of murder of children. As such, the development was rapid during the Medina period which focused more on society implementation. The main reason for the situation was obvious in which the Muslims ruled the first Islamic state of Medina. Thus, there was numerous examples of the law occured during the period such as contract law, family law, criminal law, and constitutional law. In short, part 1 just focuses on periods of development of the law and some examples of the law practised during the period. That is all as an introduction.
Wassalam and thanks.
The origin of the Islamic law occurred during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Briefly, the development of the law during the reign was divided into two periods, the Mecca and Medina periods. In relation to the Mecca period, the development was slow as it focused more on personal implementation such as prayers and charity. Thus, an example of the law during the period was the prohibition of murder of children. As such, the development was rapid during the Medina period which focused more on society implementation. The main reason for the situation was obvious in which the Muslims ruled the first Islamic state of Medina. Thus, there was numerous examples of the law occured during the period such as contract law, family law, criminal law, and constitutional law. In short, part 1 just focuses on periods of development of the law and some examples of the law practised during the period. That is all as an introduction.
Wassalam and thanks.
Civil Family Law: The Origin of the Law
Assalamualaikum and hello to all.
The civil family law is suggested to be originated from the ancient Roman society which practised the Roman law. The Roman law practised a unique family system which we may today oppose as being inhuman or bias. In a typical Roman family, it was headed by the male head of the family known as the pater familias. The pater familias indeed had absolute powers or patria potestas over the family in all matters and the powers could not be challenged at all. Examples of the powers were: the power to the life and death of the family, the power to sell the family, the power to control the family marital affairs, and the power to determine custody and visitation rights. In addition, the powers of the pater familias would continue until his death. As such, the powers through patria potestas would then dominate the civil family law not only in Rome but also other countries through invasion and war. In short, the civil family law was developed based on the dominant of male in the society in the past.
Wassalam and thanks.
The civil family law is suggested to be originated from the ancient Roman society which practised the Roman law. The Roman law practised a unique family system which we may today oppose as being inhuman or bias. In a typical Roman family, it was headed by the male head of the family known as the pater familias. The pater familias indeed had absolute powers or patria potestas over the family in all matters and the powers could not be challenged at all. Examples of the powers were: the power to the life and death of the family, the power to sell the family, the power to control the family marital affairs, and the power to determine custody and visitation rights. In addition, the powers of the pater familias would continue until his death. As such, the powers through patria potestas would then dominate the civil family law not only in Rome but also other countries through invasion and war. In short, the civil family law was developed based on the dominant of male in the society in the past.
Wassalam and thanks.
Civil Family Law: The Rise of Women Domination
Assalamualaikum and hello.
The emergence of the industrial revolution in Europe and also the United States had changed the focus of civil family law from men domination to women domination. The impact of the revolution was obvious in which women starter to have access to information and knowledge. Thus, the situation had influenced the establishment of women rights' groups fighting for their rights especially in civil family law. The groups were successful in their cause in which civil family had witnessed a rapid revolution. For example, prior to the revolution in custody of the child's litigation, normally custody was given to the father because of his ability to provide for the child adequate financial supports. After the revolution, custody was normally awarded to the mother because of her ability to provide the child with love and care. In short, the change of focus of the civil family was inevitable because the society indeed accepted and recognise the role of women in the family and the society.
Thanks and wassalam.
The emergence of the industrial revolution in Europe and also the United States had changed the focus of civil family law from men domination to women domination. The impact of the revolution was obvious in which women starter to have access to information and knowledge. Thus, the situation had influenced the establishment of women rights' groups fighting for their rights especially in civil family law. The groups were successful in their cause in which civil family had witnessed a rapid revolution. For example, prior to the revolution in custody of the child's litigation, normally custody was given to the father because of his ability to provide for the child adequate financial supports. After the revolution, custody was normally awarded to the mother because of her ability to provide the child with love and care. In short, the change of focus of the civil family was inevitable because the society indeed accepted and recognise the role of women in the family and the society.
Thanks and wassalam.
Islamic Law: The Historical Development of the Islamic Law during the Reign of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Part 2
Assalamualaikum and hello.
The sources of law during the period were three namely, the Holy Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the ijtihad. The Holy Qur'an is the first primary source of law manifesting the words of Allah the Almighty. It is actually a source of guidance for the Muslims. Law was revealed either during the Mecca or Medina periods. An example of law revealed during the Mecca period was prohibition on murdering children. An example of law revealed during the Medina period was fosterage. The Sunnah on the other hand is the words, actions, and tacits approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). One of its functions in law was to specify legal details of any law revealed by the Holy Qur'an. For instance, the Holy Qur'an reveals that prayers are an obligation. Thus, the Sunnah specifies on how to perform prayers. An example of law derived from the Sunnah during the preiod was custody and visitation rights after divorce. The ijtihad was normally performed by the Prophet (pbuh) when there were legal situations in which there were not yet revelations from Allah the Almighty. Normally after performing the ijtihad, revelations came down either to approve or correct the ijtihad. Thus, the Prophet (pbuh) also approved or disapproved some ijtihad of the Sahabah or his Companions. Nevertheless, any ijtihad performed by the Sahabah are considered as part of the Sunnah. In short, the sources were actually considered as an important foundation for future developments of law.
Wassalam and thanks.
The sources of law during the period were three namely, the Holy Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the ijtihad. The Holy Qur'an is the first primary source of law manifesting the words of Allah the Almighty. It is actually a source of guidance for the Muslims. Law was revealed either during the Mecca or Medina periods. An example of law revealed during the Mecca period was prohibition on murdering children. An example of law revealed during the Medina period was fosterage. The Sunnah on the other hand is the words, actions, and tacits approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). One of its functions in law was to specify legal details of any law revealed by the Holy Qur'an. For instance, the Holy Qur'an reveals that prayers are an obligation. Thus, the Sunnah specifies on how to perform prayers. An example of law derived from the Sunnah during the preiod was custody and visitation rights after divorce. The ijtihad was normally performed by the Prophet (pbuh) when there were legal situations in which there were not yet revelations from Allah the Almighty. Normally after performing the ijtihad, revelations came down either to approve or correct the ijtihad. Thus, the Prophet (pbuh) also approved or disapproved some ijtihad of the Sahabah or his Companions. Nevertheless, any ijtihad performed by the Sahabah are considered as part of the Sunnah. In short, the sources were actually considered as an important foundation for future developments of law.
Wassalam and thanks.
Di Mana Masa Sekarang?
Persoalan yang diajukan sebelum ini di mana masa sekarang? Sebenarnya masa sekarang juga diketahui para golongan suci yang rapat dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung. Mereka diberi ilmu oleh Yang Maha Agung tentang hakikat masa sama ada masa lampau, sekarang, dan akan datang. Akan tetapi tidaklah ilmu mereka melebihi ilmu kekasih Yang Maha Agung yang utama iaitu Pesuruh-Nya yang terakhir (s.a.w). Dengan ilmu tersebut, masa yang juga dicipta Yang Maha Agung menjadi hamba mereka. Seolah-olah mereka boleh berkata kepada masa: "Wahai masa sila berhenti." Apabila berhentinya masa, kita sebenarnya kaku tetapi tidak disedari kita. Akan tetapi apabila berhentinya masa, mereka tidak kaku seperti kita sebagaimana yang diizinkan Yang Maha Agung. Ketika itulah sebenarnya masa sekarang. Apabila mereka berkata kepada masa:"Wahai masa sila bergerak", kita tersedar dan bergerak tetapi kita tidak mengetahui bahawa masa telah berhenti seketika dengan izin Yang Maha Agung. Sejarah telah membuktikan kita bahawa Yang Maha Agung telah menjadikan masa hamba mereka. Contohnya, sejarah mengajar kita bahawa Syeikh Abdul Kadir al-Jailani berceramah di pelbagai tempat dalam waktu yang sama. Kita juga kedengaran banyak daripada mereka melakukan penyerahan kepada Yang Maha Agung dengan sujud yang berpuluhan ribu sujud dalam satu malam di mana Yang Maha Agung telah memanjangkan masa untuk mereka sedangkan masyarakat yang tinggal bersama mereka tidak menyedari keadaan tersebut. Kita juga kedengaran dalam sejarah di Tanah Melayu ramai daripada mereka yang berasal dari Yaman datang menyebarkan Islam dengan cara yang unik iaitu dari Yaman mereka melangkah dalam masa beberapa saat telah tiba di Tanah Melayu. Akan tetapi, jangan tertipu dengan helah mereka yang bukan daripada golongan suci yang menggunakan sihir. Akan tetapi itulah pandangan saya.
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