Sunday, December 7, 2008

Civil Family Law: Child As The Main Focus Of Attention

Assalamualaikum and hello. The modern family law now concentrates on upholding the right, interest, and welfare of the child in the family. Priorities are given to the right, interest, and welfare of the child without neglecting those of the parents and others. The focus on the right, interest, and welfare of the child actually began in the early 1900’s due to some situations such as the belief of the society in the right, interest, and welfare of the child, the increase of divorce rates, of children birth outside marriage, and also of child abuse. Eventually, the family law legislations in many countries were amended in order to embrace the new orientation of upholding the right, interest, and welfare of the child without neglecting those of the parents and others. For instance, in England the law uses the terms parental responsibility interpreted through the welfare of the child principle in which the child has the right to have love and care from the parents. The welfare of the child principle is also currently adopted by the law in Malaysia. In Australia, the law also uses the terms parental responsibility as in England but interpreted through the best interests of the child consideration. In short, the law and the society unanimously agree for the first time that the child deserves his right, interest, and welfare. Wassalam and thank you.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Question For Young Men And Women: Is Marriage A Burden?

Divorce is increasing from time to time in Malaysia. Generally the increase of divorce rates occur among young husbands and wives. For instance, do not be surprise to see a young husband and wife file a divorce petition before the court of law after a few months of marriage. The situation goes beyond the boundary of religion. Those who love and support marriage and the family institution in Malaysia question as to reasons behind the situation. Why marriage fails for some young individuals in Malaysia? Are they not well educated enough on marriage and the family institution in Malaysia? Or they are more concerned with other matters ignoring the importance of protecting their marriage and family? Some in Malaysia may suggest that marriage and divorce are private matters. Thus, young husbands and wives have rights to marriage and divorce. If the husbands and wives think that divorce is the best solution, they should be allowed to do so. Nevertheless, some in Malaysia may also argue that marriage and divorce also affect others as well in particular the children. Thus, negative divorce may have negative effects on the children. That is why some young men and women seem to have doubts on marriage and elect to live as singles. Thus, they are afraid that negativity surrounding marriage may occur and affect them....